Kids and art
We may as well round out the month with just one more post about kids and art. It seems that's been a theme for us recently. Kelly and I have always been interested in teaching art to kids. Since the release of Artist Eyes last summer, we've had a blast getting into discussions with kids and their parents about art in a way that we weren't able to before.
Of course, it's not just our art that's so much fun for us. The stuff kids draw for us keeps us smiling. On a recent school visit, I performed my How to Catch a Mouse show. In just the time it took for me to pack up, sign books for kids, and load the car, one class had already drawn pictures of their favorite parts of my show. I was blown away when their teacher presented me with a class set. I must have shown the drawings to a dozen people that day. It was incredible to get a glimpse into the minds of the elementary kids in my audience.
Other things Airigami is doing with kids these days
We've been offering classes in the studio for some time now. While we've promoted individual classes with special guests, we haven't actively promoted custom classes for groups that wish to come in. There's been a greater interest recently in scout groups, birthday parties, and other small groups coming in to the studio for a beginner lesson and discussion of the art in the studio. We're structuring this as a low-cost activity for kids and parents to get their hands on balloons and try out a new art form. Contact us if you have a group that might be interested in this.